Lunch Service


We believe that our student’s diet is one of the principal foundations for their health and proper development.

Our team’s main goal is to educate students to eat in a varied and healthy manner from an early age. 

AEL has a spacious area to provide an ideal environment for the Lincoln community to enjoy Lunchtime. The Lunch Service is provided by a cafeteria service company called COOK’S.

Please feel welcome to enroll in the Cafeteria Lunch Service.  You can also send Lunch from home, taking all the necessary precautions to keep the food well preserved.


To download the menu, please click in the image below.

First page of the PDF file: MenuENG


Please note that in case of cancellations, each month is billed in full.  Cancellations or Sign-ups should be sent before 20th of the previous month that you are signing up for.  Students initiate the lunch service at the beginning of each month.  

Students are also welcome to purchase daily tickets with section secretaries, in the event that you are not interested in purchasing the full month. 

2024-2025 Semester 1 Costs (in Argentine Pesos):

Daily value with Monthly fee:
Kinder  $ 7500.-
Grades 1-12  $ 8500.-

Daily value with individual lunch ticket:
Gr. K-12:  $ 9000.-


IMPORTANT:  If your child needs a special or specific diet, is allergic to any food, celiac or may suffer any other food-related condition, please contact the Wellness Center.