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Course Descriptions


Spanish 1 Prácticas del lenguaje - Laboratorio 1
(Grades 9/10; 1 year; 1.0 credit)

Prácticas del Lenguaje - Laboratorio 1 is a course designed for students with no prior experience of the target language, or for those students with very limited previous exposure. This course is aligned with the Common European Framework that describes language ability on a six-point scale, placing students in this course at an A2 level. Laboratorio 1 is designed based on three themes or units, identities, experiences, and social organization. Throughout the units, students will learn vocabulary and grammar structures that will enable them to communicate in the target language. The skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are emphasized equally to develop abilities in oral and written expression. 

Spanish 2 Prácticas del lenguaje - Laboratorio 2
(Grades 9/10; 1 year; 1.0 credit)

Prácticas del Lenguaje - Laboratorio 2 is a course designed for students with prior experience of the target language, or for those students with limited previous experience. This course is aligned with the Common European Framework that describes language ability on a six-point scale, placing students in this course at an B2 level. Laboratorio 2 is designed based on two themes or units, human ingenuity and sharing the planet. Throughout the units, students will learn vocabulary and grammar structures that will enable them to communicate in the target language and to express opinions or ideas about complex or hypothetical situations. The skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are emphasized equally to develop abilities in oral and written expression. 

Spanish 3 Prácticas del lenguaje - Laboratorio 3
(Grades 9/10; 1 year; 1.0 credit)

Prácticas del Lenguaje - Laboratorio 3 concentrates on developing fluency in the language, exposing the students to simple pieces of literature, and enhancing grammar skills. This course is aligned with the Common European Framework that describes language ability on a six-point scale, placing students in this course at an C2 level. Texts studied range from short stories, poems, special selections from well-known Latin American and Spanish writers. Students will be exposed to a historical and cultural understanding of the Spanish speaking countries in America by studying short texts (written or audiovisual). Listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills are emphasized equally to develop fluency and written expression. 

Spanish 4/5 Prácticas del lenguaje - Laboratorio 4
(Grades 10; 1 year; 1.0 credit)
Grade 9th only for those students going into Spanish Literature in 10th grade.

Prácticas del Lenguaje - Laboratorio 4 is a course designed for students transitioning into more advanced Spanish courses. The aim of this course will focus on the analysis of literary texts paying special attention to the acquisition of more complex grammar structures and communication skills. The variety of texts studied range from short stories, poems, special selections from well-known Latin American and Spanish writers, videos, and digital media. Students will deepen their understanding of historical events and cultural features of the Spanish speaking countries in America, including Latin@s studies.

IB Spanish B Spanish SL 
(Grades 11/12; 2 years; 2.0 credits)

Language B SL is a language acquisition course designed for students with previous experience of the target language. In the SL course, students further develop their ability to  communicate in the target language through the study of language, themes and texts. In doing so, they also develop conceptual understanding of how language works, as appropriate to the level of the course. There are five prescribed themes: identities, experiences, human ingenuity, social organization and sharing the planet.

This is the first year of the IB Spanish B course. The main focus of the course is to allow the Students to continue developing and enhancing the language skills acquired in previous years. These language skills will be deepened through the study and use of a range of written and spoken material. Such material will extend from everyday oral exchanges to literary texts, and will be related to Spanish-speaking cultures in particular. The ultimate goal of this course is for Students to develop mastery of language skills as well as an authentic intercultural understanding.

Evaluation SL:

  • IOC                  March       Based on 2 pictures. 12 /15 minutes.
  • Paper 1           May           Discursive text between  250 and 400 words.
  • Paper 2         May       Reading  and listening comprehension of 3 texts and 3 audios.

IB Spanish B Spanish HL 
(Grades 11/12; 2 years; 2.0 credits)

Language B HL is a language acquisition course designed for students with previous experience of the target language. In the HL course, students further develop their ability to  communicate in the target language through the study of language, themes and texts. In doing so, they also develop conceptual understanding of how language works, as appropriate to the level of the course. The study of two literary works originally written in the target language is required. At HL, students are expected to extend the range and complexity of the language they use and understand in order to communicate. There are five prescribed themes: identities, experiences, human ingenuity, social organization and sharing the planet.

  • IOC              March   Based on a paragraph of 2 novels read during the two years. 15/20 minutes.
  • Paper 1               May    Discursive text between  450 and 600 words. 
  • Paper 2          May    Reading  and listening comprehension of 3 texts and 3 audios.

IB Spanish Ab Initio SL 
(Grades 11/12; 2 years; 2.0 credits)

Language ab initio is a language acquisition course designed for students with no prior experience of the target language, or for those students with very limited previous exposure. It should be noted that language ab initio is offered at Standard level only. Students develop the ability to communicate through the study of language, themes, and texts. There are five prescribed themes: identities, experiences, human ingenuity, social organization and sharing the planet. At the language ab initio level, a student develops receptive, productive and interactive communicative skills. Students learn to communicate in the target language and culture in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. 

Assessment objectives for Language ab initio:
1.Communicate clearly and effectively in a variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes
2.Understand and use language appropriate to a range of receptors and interpersonal or intercultural contexts
3.Understand and use language to express a variety of ideas and react to a variety of ideas fluently and correctly
4.Identify, organize and present ideas on various topics
5. Understand and analyze a variety of written, oral, visual and audiovisual texts, and reflect on them.

  • IOC         March       Based on 1 picture.  7-10  minutes. 
  • Paper 1        May    Discursive text between  70 and 150 words. (1hour)
  • Paper 2     May      Reading  and listening comprehension of 3 texts and 3 audios (45’)