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StuCo 2022-2023 stands for a diverse, knowledgeable, and respectful community


Our Student Council for 2022-2023 is ready for change. Get to know their experience during elections, their motivations, and their vision for Lincoln. 


“A warm and welcoming community where all students feel respected, equipped, and equally treated.” This is how Daniel, a member of the Student Council (StuCo) 2022-2023, described his vision for Lincoln high school. Although there are 15 members on this committee, all in different grades and backgrounds, their minds are aligned when it comes to what they dream for the school. They want change. Meet these young representatives of our community! 


The journey to StuCo


On the way toward leadership, resilience is a key factor. Gabriela, now Grade 9 Class Representative, made it clear during an interview: “This year I really wanted to step out of my comfort and reflect on behalf of my advocacy as an aid in the community. I decided I wasn't going to let fear get the best of me and sacrifice a chance to help others.” 

Thomas, Grade 11 Class Representative, also shared his experience. He said: “Admittedly, I was nervous when presenting my speech but it felt extremely relieving to finally do so and when I found out I had won all my efforts felt 10 times more rewarding.” 

To become agents of change, they had to embrace their role as communicators. Through self-navigation, each candidate exposed their ideas, made their voice heard, and rose to the challenge of public speaking. Eric, now Secretary of StuCo, recalled how special that moment was: 

On election day, after going to the stage and giving my speech, I saw and heard everyone clapping and shouting my name which for me was a special moment. I felt that at that moment, I was in the right place and was accepted by my community, by the people who wanted me to be there.


Setting goals for the school year


“Increase administrative transparency, listen to student input, and improve student life every single day.” That is Ethan’s plan, now President of StuCo. Javier, the new treasurer, also shared his goal:

My plans since the start have been to improve the school events STUCO organizes. I have and will continue to achieve this by making sure we get the proper budget and planning time and that our events are not rushed. From what I have heard, Unity Day surpassed the expectations of the student body and I plan on continuing this with our events to come.

Whether it is management, event planning or working on the community’s spirit, the new StuCo members are ready to up their game and work for and with the community. Thomas added: “My plans for the school year are to make it a fun year where all students and teachers enjoy themselves. I plan to do this by interacting and connecting with all the students and teachers and listening to and implementing their ideas.”


Their vision for the community


When thinking about the future, the starting line is always the present. And to Eric, our school has already started the path toward StuCo’s vision:

Lincoln's community is diverse in every sense. Students are very open to everything in a way that they accept different perspectives and interpretations from everyone. The fact that we all come from different backgrounds and countries, we all have different ways of thinking and that is what makes us special.

Jacob, Vice-President of StuCo, sees change as a reality at Lincoln:

My vision for the Lincoln community is one that is open-minded, inclusive, and adaptable. The changes due to COVID and the flexibility of the Lincoln community have demonstrated an incredible capacity for change and I believe that with a few more refinements, Lincoln can fulfill this vision.

So, in a few words, what is StuCo’s vision? For Ethan, this is all about cultivating a “diverse, honorable, knowledgeable community of learners who respect each other.”

What motivates these high school leaders?

For some, like Gabriela, it is all about being there for her classmates. “I want people's voices to be heard because I know what it's like feeling like there’s nothing there for you, like you can’t have a say in things when in reality you have all the right and freedom of doing so.” She added: “I want to be that connection that shows people the real truth whilst hopefully bringing in people that are willing to partake in things like this.”

Others, like Pablo, Grade 12 Class Representative, have a more personal take: “I want to leave a positive mark on high school since it is my last year.” In any case, the heart of it all seems to be the community, as Thomas said: “I wanted to improve the student life at Lincoln, especially after everything Lincoln has done for me.”

Leaders, students, we are all Lincoln learners


What does that mean? To Pablo, a Lincoln learner is “engaged, excited to learn, multicultural, and open-minded.” To Thomas, it’s all about overcoming adversity through critical thinking. “For me, a Lincoln learner is someone who has curiosity and drive, their academic skills and knowledge don't matter as long as their passion leads to the acquisition of new and memorable experiences in and out of school,” Jacob concludes. 


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High School Unity Day

High School Unity Day

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