As we are heading into the holidays, we wanted to remind you about the importance of keep following these safety measures in order to keep taking care of each other:
Use of Facemask
While being indoors and outdoors when you are near other people you do not live with, as they offer protection against all variants.
Social Distancing
Even if you are wearing a facemask or you’re outdoors.
Keep spaces well ventilated
Especially in those shared with people that you don’t live with. For example, social gatherings, work, school, or recreational spaces.
Wash your hands frequently
With water and soap, if it’s not available use hand sanitizer.
If you have symptoms or if you were in close contact with a positive case of COVID-19, it is important to adhere strictly to it.
Start or complete your vaccination schedule
Happy Holidays!
Wellness Center
- English
- The Flying Condor
- Wellness