strategic objectives
Strategic Objectives are broad, complex, and substantial areas for attention. Each Strategic Objective is broken down into specific End Results, which need to be addressed in order to achieve the Strategic Objectives.
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- 1. Teaching and Learning
A shared understanding of learning and clear objectives for all learners drive school programs and practices in teaching and learning at Lincoln
- Definition of Learning Introduced, allowing for a shared understanding of what learning looks like at Lincoln.
- Attributes of a Lincoln Learner introduced, creating a language for a common profile of all Learners.
- US Standards adopted for all curricular areas (Common Core, NGSS, C3, NSTA, Shape, etc.), which is informing curricular decisions including which programs to adopt (i.e Illustrative Maths) and which to shift away from.
Shifted assessment and reporting system away from percentages, to a system that is informed by shared standards.
Attributes of a Lincoln Learner, Definition of Learning, and Strategic Plan were socialized within our community.
- Over 50 members of the Lincoln community, representing all stakeholders, attended the Strategic Plan Renewal and Reflection session. Feedback was gathered on our strategic plan which was used to shape our next steps.
- Administration and Board of Governors met to identify Aspirations and Considerations as they reviewed and reflected on Lincoln Strategic Plan and made some shifts in language to 1.7 and 1.5.
- The Attributes of a Lincoln Learner were used as a lens to complement the NEASC Self-Study. The Self-study allowed the faculty to reflect on where they were explicitly teaching, and learners were explicitly demonstrating, being a Self-Navigator, Thinker and Researcher, Advocate for Change, and Communicator. Lincoln completed the NEASC Self-Study and Evaluation visit, racing NEASC re-accreditation.
- Introduced the school-wide theme of #Alltogether, emphasizing the focus of whole school alignment and the role of the ALLs in our work.